Decius Brown
The Character Coach

Author, Inspirational Speaker, Educator, and Mentor
Decius Brown encourages young people to R.I.S.E. through his life changing messages of resilience, integrity, spirituality, and empowerment. Brown draws heavily from his own life experiences, captivating and motivating audiences with transparency and authenticity to be the best version of themselves. A former football, baseball, and softball coach, Decius taps in to his ability to bring the best out of those whom he mentors and coaches through different stages of life. His practical approach to living an abundant life will strike the hearts of many.
Resilience – We all experience difficulty in life. Inevitably, we are going to struggle, especially when attempting to be successful and better ourselves. However, we get up when we are knocked down. We work harder and come back better when we experience defeat. Our approach is simple — when life happens, we keep living…we go forward.
Integrity – When our character is challenged, we stand on our moral principles, ethics and beliefs. We do not compromise in order to fit in, or avoid consequences. We are true to who we are, and our actions reflect our authentic selves.
Spirituality – We are spiritual beings and our connection to God, and His will for our lives is what drives us to our purpose. We strive for eternal reward, and a perfected life beyond this world.
Empowerment – Having the confidence and courage to pursue your dreams and reach your goals is important. Some never reach their potential due to fear, and self-doubt. We, however, will be ambitious — pursuing what we aspire to be with expectation.